consumer awareness

Consumer awareness 
Definition:- consumer awareness means awareness towards products,froads,hacking etc.for consumers. 
Consumer rights:-
#right to safety 
#right to choose 
#right to be informed 
#right to consumer education 
#right to skill redressel
#right to protection act 
#right to be heard

Now we will describe all the rights:-
Right to safety:-right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services. Before purchasing,consumer should insist on the equality of the product as well as guarantee of the products and services. 
Right to choose:-.means right to assured . Whenever possible of access to variety of goods and services at competitive price. It also includes right to basic products and services. 
Right to be informed:means right to inform about quality,quantity,standard,and price of goods so as to protect the consumer against unfair trades practice. 
Right to consumer education:-means right to acquire the knowledge ans skill to be an informed consumer throughout life . They should know their rights and must exercise them.
Right to seek redressal:-means right to seek redressal against unfair trades practice or exploition of consumer. Many times their complaint may be of small value but it's impact on the society as a whole may be very large. 
Right to be herad:-means that consumer 's interests will receive due consideration at appropriate formus.The right to protection act:-means right of protection. It is started in 2019 it's main purpose is to protect consumers from froads,hacking etc.

World consumer right day:-
This day is mostly celebrated on March month. 
This is a small blog about consumer awareness I hope you life it.
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